Jaca Fruit: How to Eat, Taste, and More

Jaca fruit, also known as jackfruit, is a tropical fruit that has been gaining popularity in recent years due to its unique taste and versatility. 

Native to South Asia, this large fruit can weigh up to 80 pounds and grow up to three feet long. Its thick greenish-yellow skin covers a succulent yellow flesh that can be eaten raw or cooked in various dishes.

The Jaca fruit’s sweet and slightly tangy flavor makes it a popular ingredient in vegan and vegetarian diets as a meat substitute. 

What is jaca fruit? 

Weighing up to 80 pounds, jackfruit is the largest tree-borne fruit. The exterior of the jaca fruit is green or yellow with a spiky texture, while the interior consists of small edible bulbs surrounded by fibrous strands.

The taste of jaca fruit can be described as sweet and fruity, with a subtle flavor similar to mango or pineapple. In addition to its sweet taste, it is also packed with nutrients. 

This green fruit has gained popularity in recent years as a meat substitute for vegans and vegetarians due to its meaty texture. It can be used in recipes such as curries, stews, tacos, and burgers. 

Jaca seeds are also edible when cooked properly and have a nutty flavor similar to chestnuts. Overall, jaca fruit offers both nutritional benefits and versatile culinary uses. 

Jaca fruit color 


When it comes to the color of the Jaca fruit, it varies depending on its ripeness. 

When unripe, it has a green outer skin with a spiky texture. The flesh inside is also green and firm in texture. 

As the fruit begins to ripen, its outer skin turns yellow or brown in color while the flesh becomes softer and more fragrant. A fully ripe Jaca fruit has a sweet aroma and a bright yellow-orange color with soft flesh that can be easily pulled apart.

The vibrant color of ripe Jaca fruits makes them attractive not only for consumption but also for use in food products such as jams, jellies, ice creams, and even vegan meat substitutes due to their meat-like texture when cooked.

 Additionally, some cultures use the seeds of the Jaca fruit as an ingredient in savory dishes or grind them into flour for baking purposes. Overall, despite its intimidating size and spiky exterior, Jaca fruits offer deliciously sweet flavors with beautiful colors that are sure to delight any palate! 

Checking Jaca fruit ripeness

To tell if this fruit is ripe, you need to look for a few key indicators. Firstly, check the color of the skin – it should be a light greenish-yellow when it’s ripe. If it’s still bright green, then the fruit needs more time to mature. 

Secondly, give the fruit a gentle squeeze – if it feels slightly soft and gives under your fingers, then it’s likely ready to eat. However, be careful not to apply too much pressure as this can damage the fruit.

Another important sign of ripeness is the smell – a ripe jaca fruit has a sweet aroma that intensifies as it ripens further. You can also check for cracks or splits in the skin which can indicate over-ripeness or damage.

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How to prepare  

There are a few things to keep in mind when preparing jaca fruit. First, make sure the fruit is ripe before attempting to cut it open.

To start, use a sharp knife to make a shallow cut around the circumference of the fruit. Then use your hands to gently pry it open, being careful not to damage the soft flesh inside.

Once you’ve opened up the jaca, you can remove the large seeds and separate out individual sections of flesh. The flesh can be eaten raw or cooked in various ways – it’s often used in curries and stews or fried as a snack. 

Where does jaca fruit come from? 

The largest producer of jaca fruit is India with over half a million hectares dedicated to its cultivation. Jaca trees can grow up to 80 feet tall and produce fruits weighing as much as 100 pounds.

The jaca tree belongs to the same family as figs and mulberries – Moraceae. Its leaves are large and glossy green while its fruits are oval or oblong in shape with a spiky exterior. Inside the fruit are individual yellow bulbs which have a sweet flavor when ripe.

Jaca has been cultivated for thousands of years and has become an important source of food in many cultures.

Nutritional facts 

One cup of Jackfruit contains : 

Calories: 156

Fiber: 3 grams 

Carbs: 49 grams

When is this fruit in season 

The season for jaca fruit varies depending on the location. In tropical regions, such as Southeast Asia, the Philippines, and India, jaca fruit is available year-round. However, in other parts of the world where it is not native or grown commercially, it may only be available seasonally or imported.

In places like Florida and Hawaii where jaca trees are grown commercially, the peak season for harvesting usually falls between May and November. During this time, you may find an abundance of fresh jaca fruits at local farmers’ markets or grocery stores that sell exotic fruits.

What does jaca fruit go in? 

One of the most popular uses for jaca fruit is in vegan and vegetarian cooking as a meat substitute. When cooked and shredded, its texture resembles pulled pork or chicken making it a great addition to tacos, sandwiches, stews, and curries. 

It can also be used to make vegan versions of classic dishes such as BBQ ribs or chili con carne.

In addition to savory dishes, jaca fruit can be used in desserts such as cakes, pies, ice creams and even smoothies.

 Its naturally sweet taste pairs well with creamy ingredients like coconut milk or yogurt. The seeds of the jaca fruit are also edible after being boiled or roasted, which are commonly used in Southeast Asian cuisine as snacks or added to soups. 


The taste of jaca fruit has been described as sweet and fruity with a slightly musky undertone. Some people compare the taste to a mix of pineapple and banana, while others say it tastes like juicy fruit gum.

When ripe, its flesh becomes softer and sweeter with a more intense aroma. However, unripe jackfruits are not recommended for consumption as they have an unpleasant smell and taste.

Ways to eat jackfruit 

jaca fruit

1. Raw: You can simply cut open the jaca fruit and eat the flesh raw. The flesh has a sweet taste with a slightly tangy flavor.

2. Cooked: Jaca fruit can be cooked in various ways such as grilling, boiling, or roasting. When cooked, it becomes softer and more tender.

3. Desserts: Jaca fruit can be used in desserts such as ice cream, puddings, cakes, and pies.

4. Meat substitute: The texture of cooked jaca flesh resembles pulled pork or chicken making it an excellent meat substitute for vegans and vegetarians.

5. Chips: Thin slices of jaca can be fried into chips which make for an excellent snack.

Overall, there are many creative ways to use jaca fruit in your diet beyond just eating it raw! Here is a jackfruit taco recipe. 

Jaca tacos 


-1 can of jackfruit, drained and shredded

– 1 tablespoon olive oil

– 2 cloves garlic, minced

– 1 teaspoon chili powder

– 1/2 teaspoon cumin

– Salt and pepper to taste

– Corn tortillas


1. Heat the olive oil.

2. Add the garlic and cook for about a minute until fragrant.

3. Add the shredded jackfruit, chili powder, cumin, salt, and pepper. Cook for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.

4. Warm up your corn tortillas on a separate pan or in the microwave.

5. Fill each tortilla with a generous amount of jackfruit mixture.

6. Add additional toppings such as sliced avocado, diced tomatoes or cilantro if desired.

7. Serve and enjoy!

Ways to drink jackfruit 

One popular way to enjoy this large fruit is by blending it into smoothies or juices. You can add other fruits like mangoes, bananas or pineapples to create a delicious and refreshing drink. 

Another way to enjoy jaca fruit is by making it into a tea. To do this, you will need to boil the fruit’s seeds in water for several minutes until the liquid becomes fragrant and flavorful.

Finally, another great way to drink jaca fruit is by using it as an ingredient in cocktails or mixed drinks. Jaca juice can add a unique sweetness and depth of flavor that pairs well with spirits like rum or tequila. 

How to store jaca fruit 

Storing jackfruit can be a bit tricky, as it is a highly perishable fruit. To store it properly, start by selecting the right fruit. Choose fruits that are firm and without any cracks or bruises. Once you have the right fruit, wash it thoroughly in cold water to remove any dirt or debris.

After washing, dry the jackfruit using a clean cloth and wrap it with plastic cling film or aluminum foil. This helps to prevent moisture loss and keeps the fruit fresh for longer periods. Store it inside the refrigerator’s crisper drawer for up to one week.

If you want to store jackfruit for an even longer period (up to three months), consider freezing it. Cut into small cubes and place on a baking sheet. 

Freeze them overnight before transferring them into an airtight container or freezer bag. When ready to use, thaw at room temperature before cooking or consuming raw. With these simple steps, you can enjoy your jackfruit all year round! 

Where can you get jak fruit 

One of the most common places to find it is at your local grocery store or supermarket. Many stores carry fresh or canned varieties of the fruit, usually located in the produce section. You may also be able to find frozen jaca fruit at some specialty stores.

If you prefer to shop online, there are many websites that sell jackfruit products such as dried slices or canned versions. These sites often offer a wider variety of options than physical stores and can deliver directly to your doorstep.

Finally, if you live in an area with a large Asian population, you may be able to find fresh jaca fruit at local markets or specialty shops. These stores often carry unique fruits and vegetables that are not commonly found in mainstream supermarkets. 

Is jaca fruit and durian the same? 

Jaca fruit is a member of the fig family and is closely related to other fruits such as breadfruit, mulberry, and figs. Jackfruit has a spiky exterior.

Durian, on the other hand, is another tropical fruit that originates from Southeast Asia and is often compared to jaca fruit due to its  appearance. However, despite some similarities in appearance, they are not the same fruits. 

Durian has a spiky exterior like jaca but has an extremely pungent odor which some describe as being similar to rotting flesh or onions.

In terms of taste and texture, the two fruits are also quite different. While both are considered sweet fruits with soft interiors containing seeds or bulbs, durian has a custard-like texture with a more complex flavor profile while jaca tends to have a milder sweetness with less complexity in flavor. 

Overall while these two fruits may look similar at first glance they are actually quite distinct in taste and aroma profile making them different experiences altogether for those who try them out! 

Can I eat jackfruit everyday? 

Jackfruit is a nutritious fruit that can be consumed daily. The fruit is low in calories and high in fiber, which makes it an excellent choice for those looking to maintain or lose weight. 

Can you eat jackfruit raw? 

The answer is yes, you can eat jackfruit raw. It’s important to handle fresh jackfruits carefully because they are quite heavy and have tough spines on their exterior. 


jack fruit


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